CFP International Conference & Workshop on Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age 10-12 October 2019

The Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age: Building up Telecollaborative Networks International Conference and the Workshop on Gamification & Intercultural Learning will be held at both the University of Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), 10-12 October, 2019.

The iTECLA research Project and the SILVA research group from the University of Valencia, together with the CAMILLE research group from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, are delighted to announce the Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age: Building up Telecollaborative Networks International Conference and the Workshop on Gamification & Intercultural Learning. The conference and workshop which will be held at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the University of Valencia and the Department of Applied Linguistics of the Polytechnic University of Valencia respectively. The conference brings together together educators, researchers, graduate students, administrators, policy makers and other professionals involved in the fields of Applied Linguistics and Computer-Assisted Language Learning worldwide. An optional extended paper or book chapter can be submitted for publication as double-blind peer-reviewed publication in a) a volumen edited by Comares, which ranks 11th on the ILIA-CSIC Scholarly Publishers Indicators List of the most prestigious publishing houses worldwide or b) Eurocall Review, an indexed journal with ISBN number.

The theme of Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age cuts across areas including telecollaboration or virtual Exchange and CMC, intercultural communication, education for sustainable development, gamification, teacher education and profesional development, open education, task design, digital literacies, digital games-based and problem-based learning, mobile assisted learning, MOOCs design and practice, open educational resources and practices, blended learning models, creative and innovative pedagogy, and student engagement.

The Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age international conference will discuss and discover insights into how educational the theories and practices are driving, responding to and facilitating intercultural communication and learning in the current age. How are our educational systems changing in our current context of liquid modernity (Bauman, 2007), globalisation and massive migratory movements across the globe? How are educators responding to the constant mobility and changes in relationships and identities within our highly complex societies? How can we cross global boundaries while promoting mutual understanding and critical values in the classroom?  What will education and teaching be like once normalisation (Bax, 2002) of ICTs has been fully achieved? How will this digital immersion transform the ways and environments in which intercultural communication and learning take place?

Keynote Speakers and workshop facilitators (in alphabetical order):

Dr Andreas Müller-Hartmann, Pedagogigal University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Dr Margarita Vinagre, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)

Dr Marina Orsini-Jones, Conventry University (United Kingdom)

Dr Robert O’Dowd, Universidad de León (Spain)

Dr Shannon Sauro, Malmö University (Sweden)


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Telecollaboration or virtual Exchange, CMC and global projects or initiatives
  • Intercultural communication and transcultural dialogue
  • Gamification
  • Education for sustainable development
  • Citizenship learning for inclusion, sociocultural diversity and gender
  • Critical consciousness and critical pedagogy
  • Foreign Languages and Languages for Specific Purposes teaching
  • Teacher education and profesional development
  • Open education
  • Task design
  • Digital literacies
  • Digital games-based and problem-based learning
  • Mobile assisted learning
  • Blended learning models
  • MOOCs design and practice
  • Open educational resources and practices
  • Creative and innovative pedagogy
  • Student engagement
  • Social media and democratic education in the foreign language classroom

Conference Details:

  • Venue: University of Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)
  • Participation Fees: 140 € (includes conference fee 80 € and workshop fee 40 €)
  • Registration: Early-bird registration finishes 1st September; registrations will be accepted up to 30th September.
  • Conference Dates: 10th, 11th and 12th of October 2019
  • Website: XXXXXXXXXXX


Early Registration

(before 1st September 2019):

140 €

Late Registration

(from 2nd September 2019):

160 €

Master’s and PhD students

80 €

100 €

Undergraduate students

X €

X €

Important Dates

  • Presentation of abstracts: deadline 31st March.
  • Notification of acceptance: 30th April.
  • Registration: Early-bird registration finishes 1st September; registrations will be accepted up to 30th September.
  • Deadline for submission of an optional extended paper or book chapter (to be published as double-blind peer-reviewed publication in a) a volumen edited by a prestigious publishing house (IULMA Monographs from the Universitat de València and Editorial Comares, which ranks 11th on the ILIA-CSIC Scholarly Publishers Indicators List of the most prestigious publishing houses worldwide or b) an indexed journal with ISBN number (more information will be given soon): 30th May 2019

Organising Committee:

Ana Gimeno-Sanz (Universitat Politècnica de València – CAMILLE)

Ana Sevilla-Pavón (Universitat de València – iTECLA & SILVA/IULMA)

Andreea Rosca (Universitat de València – iTECLA & SILVA/IULMA)

Local Organising Committee:

Ferran Robles Sabater (Universitat de València/IULMA)

Rafael Seiz Ortiz (Universitat Politècnica de València – CAMILLE)

Alicia Ricart Vayá (Universitat de València – iTECLA & SILVA/IULMA)

Juan Carlos Casañ Núñez (Universitat de València)

Francisco Ivorra Pérez (Universitat de València – iTECLA & SILVA/IULMA)

Beatriz Cerezo Merchán (Universitat de València – iTECLA & CiTRANS/IULMA)

David Perry (Universitat Politècnica de València – CAMILLE)

Guidelines for Submitting Abstracts:

  • Deadline: March 31st, 2018
  • Abstracts: 300 words, using the .doc file template provided
  • Biographical Data: 50 words including full name, title and affiliation
  • Presentation Format: Please clearly indicate whether you are submitting a proposal for a

presentation or a poster (see details below)

  • Send your abstracts through the submissions system (more information will be provided soon)

Presentation Formats:

  • Presentations: Accepted papers will be divided into conference sections. Within each section, presenters will be provided with 30-minute timeslots (20 min to present, 5 min to take questions, 5 min to accommodate room changes).
  • Posters: We also welcome poster submissions to encourage researchers, and particularly graduate students and trainee teachers, to present their works of qualification. This poster section provides an additional platform to present and discuss topics, projects and research findings (preliminary or otherwise) which are immediately relevant to the thematic scope of the conference. Posters should be prepared in an A1 vertical format (594 x 841 mm, 23.4 x 33.1 in).

Please visit the conference websites at:

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